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6 апреля 1985 года. Пол Янг №1 в английском чарте альбомов с пластинкой The Secret of Association. Майк Рутефорд из группы Genesis, называл его одним из лучших солистов рок-музыки, обладавших оригинальным голосом. Но мало кто знает, что Пол Янг был еще и талантливым бизнесменом. Члены группы с радостью поручали ему вести свои дела.
SENZA UNA DONNA — Without a Woman
This ain’t the way I spend my mornings
Baby, how are you
You were there and now you’re coming back
Lady, hey, with whom you’ll stay
I’m standing here, watching the sea
I’m alone, I even cook for myself
Yes, it’s like that, you may laugh
But I’m no longer frightened
of living
Without a woman
We are so distant
Without a woman I’ll make it through tomorrow
Without a woman
Who has made me die
Without a woman
Better like
There’s no way you can buy me
Baby, you know it
You’ve got to dig,
A little deeper lady
Yes, you got it
I got it, do you want something to drink
Look at me, I’m a flower
Well, not really, you may laugh, but
I’m no longer frightened
Of living
Without a woman
We’re so distant
Without a woman I’ll make it through tomorrow
Without a woman
Without a woman who has made me
I’m standing here, watching the sea
But why do I keep on speaking
I don’t know, you may laugh, but
I’m no longer frightened of living
Without a woman
We’re so distant
Without a woman
Without a woman I’ll make it through tomorrow
Without a woman
Who has made me die
Without a woman, come here
Without a woman
Now we are close to one another
Without a woman
I’ll make it through tomorrow
Without a woman
Who has made me die.
Written by: glavred
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